Collaborative nodes
Using Curtin HIVE’s visualisation systems, researchers from all disciplines can manage and use their data more effectively and imaginatively. From the physical sciences and engineering to the health sciences, and from the humanities and creative arts to business, the HIVE delivers powerful data enrichment capabilities, creating new opportunities for knowledge and a superior teaching and training environment.
Four University flagship projects are underway to initiate cross-faculty and cross-disciplinary project collaboration. They are:
- John Curtin Archive
- Sydney Kormoran Project
- Southern Sky
- Greater Curtin
Curtin’s university flagship projects include the following collaborative partners:
- Centre for Aboriginal Studies
- Centre for Culture and Technology
- Codelab, Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture
- Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
- DV Hub, School of Design and Art
- Film and TV studio, School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts
- John Curtin Gallery
- Modlab, School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts
- Motion Analysis Lab, School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
- Pawsey Supercomputing Centre
- 3D Photogrammetry Lab, School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
The HIVE is seeking to attract high-quality projects and collaborative partners to utilise its visualisation infrastructure and know-how. To initiate discussions and express interest, please contact the HIVE Technical Manager.